1. Make bold choices and make mistakes. It's all those things that add to the person you become.大胆地去选择,去犯错。所有的一切成就了现在的你。?bold 大胆的;无畏的2. It's hard to be clear about who you are when you are carrying around a bunch of baggage from the past. I've learned to let go and move more quickly into the next place.当你背负着沉重的过去,你便很难看清真正的自己。所以我学会了放手,更快地进入下一个阶段。?carry around 随身携带?let go 放开;放手 3. You'd think, "What if I make a mistake today, I'll regret it". I don't believe in regret, I feel everything leads us to where we are and we have to just jump forward, mean well, commit and just see what happens.你可能会想,“如果我今天犯错了,那我一定会后悔的”。而我认为后悔无益,过往一切把我们带到现在所处的位置,而我们只需向前跳,保持善意,去犯错,看看究竟会发生什么。 4. I'm with a man who's evolved enough to look at my body and see it as more beautiful because of the journey it has taken.我身边的这个人,他已经足够成熟,成熟到可以看到我的身体,欣赏它曾经历的种种过往,是这些经历让这副躯体更加美丽。5. Anytime I feel lost, I pull out a map and stare. I stare until I have reminded myself that life is a giant adventure, so much to do, to see.每次感到迷茫的时候,我就会拿出一张地图,认真注视着。我会一直盯着看,直到我想起,人生就是一场巨大的冒险,有那么多事要去做,有那么多风景要去欣赏。