
我们知道墨家的思想是倡导爱而不是攻击。所谓爱,就是人与人之间平等的爱。一般来说,爱别人就像爱父母。很难实现,更不用说2000多年前的古人了,即使是接受过新思想教育和共产主义影响的人也很难实现这一目标。We know that Mohism advocated love rather than attack. The so-called love is equal love between people. Generally speaking, loving others is like loving a parent. Very difficult to achieve, let alone for the ancients 2000 + years ago, even for those educated in new ideas and influenced by communism.

虽然墨子提出了这样的理论,但他自己也明白这样的要求很难实现。除了墨子这样的圣人,别人很难理解为什么我爱别人和亲戚,就像爱自己和亲戚一样?这不是几句话就能理解的。Although Mozi proposed such a theory, he himself understood that such a requirement would be difficult to achieve. It is hard for anyone but a saint like Mozi to understand why I love others and relatives as I love myself and relatives. This is not something that can be understood in a few words.

墨子提出了三种解决这个问题的方法。在这篇文章中,让我们来看看墨子的三种方法是什么?最后,他解决了实际问题吗?Mozi proposed three ways to solve this problem. In this article, let's look at what are mozi's three methods? Finally, did he solve the real problem?

首先,第一种方法被称为利益计算。墨子说,现在有些人反对爱,因为他们不知道爱的好处,认为爱的实施是一种痛苦的行为,人们不愿意推广爱。First of all, the first method is called benefit calculation. Mozi said that now some people are against love because they do not know the benefits of love and think that the practice of love is a painful act, and people are reluctant to promote love.

墨子想和人算账。他告诉人们,爱不仅会让人受苦,还会给人红利。因为你爱别人,别人会爱你;如果你帮助别人,别人也会帮助你。人们必须爱所谓的人;有益的人必须从中受益!这样,爱就成了两全其美。同样,如果你恨别人,别人也会恨你;如果你伤害了别人,别人也会伤害你!所谓恶人,人一定要恶;伤害,人一定要伤害!恨别人是伤害别人和自己的事。在这种情况下,爱别人可以获得相当大的好处,恨别人只会对自己造成相当大的伤害,为什么人们不爱这不是一个非常不明智的选择?这就是所谓的利益计算。Mozi wanted to settle scores with others. He told people that love not only makes people suffer, but also gives them dividends. Because you love others, they will love you; If you help others, they will help you. One must love the so-called person; Beneficial people must benefit from it! In this way, love is the best of both worlds. In the same way, if you hate others, they will hate you; If you hurt others, they will hurt you! The so-called wicked, people must be evil; Hurt, people must hurt! Hating others is hurting others and yourself. In this case, loving others can be of considerable benefit, while hating others can only do oneself considerable harm. Why is it not a very unwise choice for people to love? This is called profit calculation.

可以说,墨子的账户非常清晰和合理,但爱本身应该是一种没有回报的现实行为。就像父母爱他们的孩子一样,大多数父母爱他们的孩子。事实上,他们不想得到太多的回报,甚至不考虑回报。It can be said that Mozi's account is very clear and reasonable, but love itself should be an unrequited act of reality. Just as parents love their children, most parents love their children. In fact, they don't want to get much in return, or even think about it.

正如冯友兰先生所说:如果用兴趣来计算爱与恨,墨子的爱就会成为一种投资,一种为自己购买的社会保险。实施爱的人不仅可以从中获利,还可以从中获利;相反,如果他们不公平,他们可能会破产,失去一切。因此,人们应该实施爱,反对恨,所以实施爱的目的是获得利益,广泛实施爱的目的是让世界上所有的人都基于自己的利益。Just as Feng Youlan said: If love and hate are calculated by interest, Mozi's love will become an investment, a social insurance purchased for oneself. Those who practice love not only profit from it, but also from it; On the contrary, if they are not fair, they may go bankrupt and lose everything. Therefore, people should practice love and oppose hate, so the purpose of practicing love is to obtain benefits, the purpose of widely practicing love is to make all people in the world based on their own interests.

那么,是爱别人还是爱别人呢?还是为了利益而爱别人?爱的目的是让世界充满爱?还是为自己寻求更多的利益?So, to love others or to love others? Or love others for profit? Is the purpose of love to fill the world with love? Or do you seek more benefits for yourself?

更重要的是,用利益来计算爱情。一旦付出的爱情不能及时兑换成利益,后续的爱情能得到保障吗?这些都很难说,墨子没有解释。他只是说了一句对所有生物都很有吸引力的话。More importantly, measure love in terms of profit. Once the love paid can not be timely converted into benefits, the follow-up love can be guaranteed? These are hard to say, Mozi did not explain. He just said something that would appeal to all living things.

其次,第二种方法是鬼神。正如我们上面所说,墨子的利益计算也存在漏洞。人是一种有自己思维的复杂生物,不可能因为对方的游说而改变主意。即使墨子被世界各地的人所诱惑,也不是每个人都能被感动。世界上从不缺少利己主义者和成功人士。毕竟,这个社会从头到尾都是不公平的。这样,那些通过非法手段获得不正当利益并最终飙升的人是墨子理论中最大的漏洞和最令人困惑的一点:你不是说不公平可能会破产吗?那么,为什么那些应该破产的人要么富有,要么昂贵呢?在这种情况下,为什么要因为爱而获得利益呢?像他们这样的人不付钱就能盈利,不是更好吗?Secondly, the second method is ghosts and spirits. As we said above, Mozi's calculation also has holes. Man is a complex creature with a mind of his own and cannot be persuaded to change his mind. Even though Mozi is seduced by people from all over the world, not everyone can be moved. There is no shortage of egoists and successful people in the world. After all, this society is unfair from beginning to end. In this way, those who gain illicit gains through illegal means and ultimately soar are the biggest hole and most perplexing point in Mozi's theory: didn't you say that unfairness could go bankrupt? So why are people who should be broke either rich or expensive? In this case, why benefit from love? Isn't it better for people like them to make a profit without paying?

因此,墨子想出了威胁鬼神的第二种方法,简单地告诉人们爱的好处不能约束人。Therefore, Mozi came up with a second way to threaten ghosts and gods, simply telling people that the benefits of love cannot restrain people.

墨子告诉人们,鬼神存在于这个世界上,惩罚暴力是为了好人。鬼神无处不在。鬼神监督着人们的言行和统治阶级的行为。如果你喜欢做好事,鬼神会奖励他,让他好运;相反,如果有人不喜欢做坏事,鬼神会惩罚他,让他走运。墨子还告诉人们,不要认为鬼神是看不见的,不经常出现,人可以作恶,欺骗人,鬼神知道世界上的一切,鬼神是明确的奖惩。Mozi told people that ghosts and gods existed in the world and that punishing violence was for the good. Ghosts and spirits are everywhere. Ghosts and gods supervise the words and deeds of the people and the behavior of the ruling class. If you like to do good deeds, ghosts and spirits will reward him, let him good luck; On the contrary, if someone does not like to do bad things, ghosts and spirits will punish him and make him lucky. Mozi also told people not to think that ghosts and gods are invisible and do not appear often, that people can do evil and deceive people, that ghosts and gods know everything in the world, and that ghosts and gods are clear rewards and punishments.

因此,无论好坏,都会有一定的回报。俗话说,善有善报,恶有恶报,不报,时间不到,时间到了,一切都报。这个想法听起来很有趣,会让想作恶的人害怕,让他们放弃利己,选择利己。So, good or bad, there will be some payback. As the saying goes, what goes around comes around, and what goes around comes around, and what goes around comes around, and what goes around comes around, and what goes around comes around.It sounds like an interesting idea. It scares people who want to do evil. It makes them choose self-interest over self-interest.

但问题是,这种威胁和威胁与上述利益计算同样不可靠。举个简单的例子,在墨子的言论中,如果一个人做了坏事,他会受到上帝的惩罚。这种惩罚可能会使他生病或一无所有。墨子生病的时候,有人问他一个问题:那人说,你不是圣人吗?圣人怎么会生病?按照你的话,这是鬼神的惩罚吗?还是鬼神瞎了?在这方面,墨子当然不能承认自己不道德,但也不能承认鬼神的惩罚是错误的,对吧?他只能说,人们生病的原因有很多,比如气候变化和感冒;工作太久容易累;例如,房子里有100扇门,你只关了一扇门,小偷可能会从其他房间偷东西。But the problem is that the threats and threats are just as unreliable as the benefit calculations. To take a simple example, in Mozi's speech, if a person does something bad, he will be punished by God. This punishment might make him ill or lose everything. When Mozi was ill, someone asked him a question: the man said, aren't you a saint? How can a saint get sick? According to you, this is the punishment of the spirit? Or is the ghost blind? In this respect, Of course, Mozi cannot admit that he is immoral, but he cannot admit that the punishment of ghosts and gods is wrong either. Right? All he can say is that people get sick for many reasons, like climate change and colds; Working too long makes you tired. For example, if there are 100 doors in a house and you only close one door, thieves may steal things from other rooms.

这就是墨子方法的缺点,因为人生病的原因很多,不幸的原因也很多。鬼神的惩罚只是其中之一。那么,当一个人患有绝症或破产时,是因为其他原因吗?还是因为鬼神的惩罚?This is the disadvantage of Mozi's method, because there are many reasons for people to get sick, and there are also many reasons for misfortune. The punishment of ghosts and gods is only one of them. So when a person is terminally ill or broke, is it for other reasons? Is it the punishment of ghosts and gods?

这个解释不清楚,但既然鬼神的惩罚只占其中之一,为什么要作为威慑手段呢?所以墨子有第三种方法。The explanation is not clear, but if ghostly punishment is only one of them, why should it be used as a deterrent? So Mozi has a third method.

墨子的第三种方法是君主专政。墨子被称为尚通。所谓尚通,就是所有的想法和意见都必须与上级和上帝统一。墨子认为这种统一是绝对的,没有价格可以说,叫做:上面,必须是;上面,必须是。也就是说,上级认为是正确的,下级也必须认为是正确的,君主对臣民说,臣民必须认为是正确的;如果上级说错了,那么臣民必须遵循上级的说法。Mozi's third method was monarchical dictatorship. Mozi was called Shang Tong. Being enlightened means that all thoughts and opinions must be in agreement with the superior and with God. Mozi believed that this unity was absolute and that no price could be said, called: above, must be; Up, it has to be. That is to say, what is right in the eyes of the superior must be right in the eyes of the inferior, the prince says to his subjects, who must be right in the eyes of the subject; If the superior is wrong, the subject must follow what the superior says.

这是墨子的最后一招,专制实施兼爱,也是墨子所有方法中最有用的一招。因为当时人们听领导的话,君主的话有时候比鬼神的话更有用,但是同样的方法也有问题,那就是如何兼容爱和专制?This was Mozi's last resort, the most useful of all mozi's methods, to implement universal love by despotism. Because people listened to their leaders, and the words of Kings were sometimes more useful than the words of ghosts and gods, but there was a problem with the same method: how do you reconcile love and tyranny?


君主对臣民的爱能与臣民对君主的爱相比吗?当然,这是不可能的。更重要的是,墨子主张爱本身就是为了维护人民的利益。既然君主至上,人民就应该听从君主的行动,谈论人民的利益?因此,君主专政和爱是悖论,甚至无法解释。In essence, tyranny and love are a paradox. The so-called love is that everyone is equal. We love each other equally. Different despotism will have a place. The degree of love is naturally different because of status.Can a prince love his subjects as much as his subjects love him? Of course, that's impossible. More importantly, Mozi argued that love itself was to safeguard the interests of the people. Since the monarch is supreme, the people should listen to the actions of the monarch and speak for the interests of the people. Right? So monarchy and love are paradoxes, even inexplicable.

可以看出,墨子尽了最大努力实现爱的理想。他不仅要通过计算利益来游说所有人,还要通过鬼神理论来恐吓所有人。最后,他必须通过君主制定标准。It can be seen that Mozi did his best to realize the ideal of love. He not only lobbies everyone by calculating profits, but terrifies everyone by ghost theory. Finally, he must set standards through the monarch.


当然,我们不能说墨子是错的,因为由于当时的历史环境和人们的思维因素,墨子的爱本身是无法实现的。他的爱只能被认为是一个理想,一个目标,但不能成为当时世界的指导。Mozi eventually moves from democracy to despotism, further and further away from the goal of love.Of course, we cannot say that Mozi is wrong, because because of the historical environment and people's thinking factors at that time, Mozi's love itself cannot be realized. His love can only be considered an ideal, a goal, but not a guide for the world at that time.


如果你想实现爱,你需要打破阶级,然后思考,但很难用墨子自己的力量来实现这两点。因此,墨子的理论最终只能使自己成为自己的悖论。但即便如此,墨子也为我们设计了更好的未来可能性。也许有一天,爱不再是理想,而是现实Due to the development of Chinese society from the primitive society to the feudal, itself is the process of the sovereign power, many of the world's power and wealth in the hands of the monarch and leader, the position of the gap between them and civilians, status difference determines the size of the living space, the other part of some people mastered the survival, therefore, fundamentally speaking, the high level of people is hard to take seriously the low level of people, It's hard to give them love.If you want to achieve love, you need to break the class and then think, but it's hard to achieve both with Mozi's own strength. Therefore, Mozi's theory can only make itself into its own paradox in the end. But even so, Mozi has devised a better future for us. Maybe one day, love is no longer an ideal, but a reality


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文章标题:如何像爱自己一样爱别人?墨子提出了解决理想和现实问题的方法。发布于2024-04-27 13:56:27
